
This project is maintained by pelrun

Fixing DTV games guide

This page provides some guidelines for patching games to run on the C64 DTV. Hopefully the instructions and arguments presented here will explain why the patches are needed and give some pointers towards getting started with the patching. This page replaces the original fixing DTV games guide, since this wiki allows much better collaboration, and has been updated substantially since the original guide was written.

If you manage to patch a game, please have this game added to the repository.

Choose a game to fix

Before patching a game for running on the DTV, you need to find out which game you will be trying. Of course you will start out by selecting your favorite game, but if this is your first attempt at patching, you may want to look at a few different ones in order to find one that is easier to get working. Also check the repository and the Requests and Work-in-progress to make sure you are not spending time re-inventing the wheel.

You may try to find different versions of the game and test if they run on the DTV. For this you will probably want to have a floppy drive (or other IEC-device) connected to your DTV, as well as a keyboard. In some cases one version of a game might crash on the DTV, while another works fine. Also, at this stage you may be able to find a version that has less things to be fixed, such as one without a cracker/decruncher screen to be removed etc.

Things to be fixed

Some games do not run on the DTV hardware, or have some flaws that should be fixed before the games behave correctly on the DTV. Normally this will be due to the hardware (ASIC) implementation in the DTV that in some instances behaves slightly different that the original C64 hardware, although it is impressive how close it actually gets.

VICII: In particular some games and especially a lot of demos for the C64 use special raster routines and fancy programming of the VIC chip, which may result in graphical glitches on the DTV. This kind of glitch can be extremely difficult or even impossible to fix, so start out by finding a game that does not pose too many problems in this respect.

SID: Some similar issues exist for the SID (sound) implementation on the DTV. An important point is that the DTV does not implement SID filters, and so the sound may sound considerably different than what one might be used to from the C64. Fortunately a large percentage of games do not use SID filters due to the fact that production differences on the original C64 SIDs meant that the sound could appear quite differently on different C64s when using filters. Again, the easiest is to pick a game that works on the DTV hardware.

Keyboard input: In most cases the primary issue is games that require keyboard input, either in-game, when starting the game (such as select 1 or 2 players or select level), or for skipping the highscore entry. Although this does not per se mean that the games cannot be played on the DTV, it will require that a keyboard is hooked up to the DTV in order for it to work. It is therefore desirable to patch any part of the game that requires the keyboard to work with the joystick. You can also use the five extra buttons found on the DTV (see Joystick port for details). If this means that some selections are not possible (due to limited keys), so be it, but it would be preferable to be able to avoid the keyboard. A lot of games seem to require selecting the number of players before starting, normally by pressing either 1/2 or F1/F3. In this case it is desirable that pressing the firebutton on joystick2 (i.e. the left button on the DTV) results in a one-player game being started.

Similarly, a lot of times a C64 game has some loader/decruncher/cracker screen that requires the use of the keyboard (normally by hitting the space bar) to continue. Although it would certainly be possible to patch this to react on the left button of the joystick, and this is an acceptable solution, it is often just as easy to remove the screen altogether.

Floppy loading: For games that consist of more than one file (known as multi-part games), there may be a need to fix the loading routine in order for the game to work on the DTV. Normally the game (if it is a floppy-game) is loaded from device 8. The flash in the DTV can be accessed using kernal routines (and LOAD) using device 1. It implements random access semantics like a floppy.

Loading files from BASIC

There are some things to keep in mind when packaging a fixed game.

Some games shipped with the DTV are less than 203 blocks, but no BASIC stub has been added at $0801, or they require some nonstandard PLA configuration ($01). Therefore these games cannot be started from BASIC (easily). When games are patched/hacked for the DTV, you should at least add a BASIC stub.

As for the size, there is a consideration regarding the use of compression. The flash filesystem on the DTV already has some simple compression scheme, and the flash is rather large (compared to 1541 floppies), so the size is not as important in this respect. In many cases it would be preferable to avoid the waiting time of decompressing the game in memory. However, for example Exomizer decompression is actually fairly quick, so this is preferred, especially if the game uses RAM above $D000 but the compressed file is smaller than 203 blocks.

Software to use for fixing games

Natively you can use DTVMON to patch the game, it resides either in hi-mem or in flash, so it does not interfere with the game code. However, patching the game in VICEplus and transfering the code to the DTV as last step is definitely recommended.

The monitor in VICE is very useful (VICE monitor docs). ALT-H to activate. You can do disassembling (d), stepping (z/n - trace into/skip JSRs) through code and adding breakpoints (break - x to run until breakpoint encountered). Adding watchpoints (watch) is very useful - it allows you to set a “memory location breakpoint”, for either read, write, or both. In this way, whenever an instruction tries to access a particular piece (or range) of memory, execution stops. Since I/O-devices are memory-mapped, this can also detect access to I/O.

For disassembling large parts of code you can use dxa disassembler which is a counterpart to the xa assembler, and produces output that can be assembled back into the same code.

Let’s start patching

You start by trying to get a version without a loader/decruncher. Look around on the net, and often you can find a lot of different versions. Also try running each on the DTV. E.g., with Montezuma’s Revenge only some versions worked. Some crashed the DTV while others sort of worked, but all the monsters were stationary.

If it is not possible to find a version that has no “cracker intro” or decruncher, we will have to make this step ourselves. Basically there are two ways to get rid of decrunchers: Manually find out when decrunching has finished, or just freezing the game when it is running.

Solution 1: Traditional way

Start by loading the program into memory, but don’t run it yet. Set a breakpoint at the beginning of the program before running. Then single-step through the decruncher, or do it in small steps by looking at what the code does and continously moving the breakpoint to after the next loop. If there is an intro screen, you can also set a watch on $DC01, since this normally scans the keyboard to detect when space is pressed, to continue. Then set a breakpoint after space has been detected and step from there.

When decrunching is done, you normally have the program extracted in BASIC memory, e.g. starting at $0801, and often even with a nice BASIC stub (sys addr). The last thing that happens, when the decruncher is done, is usually a JMP to the address (which is normally the same as the SYS address in the BASIC line).

Of course the decruncher itself needs to be some place. Often the small decruncher routine will move itself either into the stack-page $100-$1FF or into the screen memory $400-$4FF (this is what shows up as some strange garbage characters that flickers while the decrunching happens). So if you find a JMP to some address in the $800 range in either of these two places, there is a good chance that this JMP is actually what will happen when the program is fully decrunched in memory.

One thing to note: The decruncher may have put some data underneath the kernel area ($E000-$FFFF), which is not as such a problem, but PRG files that extends into the I/O region ($D000-$DFFF) will cause standard floppy load to crash (loading from Flash in the C64DTV emulation should be fine though). If we are lucky this is not the case, and our game resides only beneath address $D000. Writing to the BASIC ROM area ($A000-$BFFF) is OK, because writing will always go to the memory ‘behind’ the ROM, even if the ROM is currently mapped in. If the game stretches into the I/O region or kernel and we want to load the prg using normal floppy load, we may need to do a few tricks, such as making a small routine that copies some pages into this high area. A second option is to crunch the final PRG with exomizer, which will correctly map out BASIC, I/O and kernel while decrunching.

In any case, now is a good time to save a bare PRG of our work so far. Do this from the monitor. We assume that nothing below address $800 is needed (since the PRG will normally be loaded from $801), and now would be a great time to know exactly how far into memory the game actually extends. Sometimes this information can be found from the decruncher routine, and sometimes a bit of guess-work is needed. Save the PRG file from the monitor with the command s “filename.prg” 0 801 endaddr. If you don’t know the end address, or if is beneath the BASIC, I/O or kernel space, we need to map out these areas by using the command bank ram in the monitor, and then bank cpu after saving.

Solution 2: Freezing

Freezing means saving the state of the machine to disk along with some unfreezing code. This can then later be unfrozen, effectively restoring the C64 to the state it was in when doing the freeze. On a C64, this can be done by cartridges such as the Action Replay cartridge. However, C64 cartridges can only create imperfect freezes as some chip internals (SID…) cannot be read. However, in emulation (i.e., VICE), snapshots can be taken that completely contain the machine’s state. This snapshot data can then be converted into a C64/DTV .prg. This is what VSFReanimator does.

Freezing is comfortable but somewhat messy. Since the freezer cannot determine what memory areas are actually used by the program frozen, the snapshot taken is likely to contain leftover data, thus being larger than necessary.

Note that files extending above $CFFF cannot be loaded with normal floppy LOAD. See here for details.


You can do a disassembly of the game using dxa or some other disassembler. The nice thing about dxa is that it produces perfect code to feed back into the xa assembler.

Then patch the game. Take care to not move about the code too much, unless you want to work out a complete block list to tell the disassembler what is code and what is data. Otherwise it tries to insert labels in the middle of the data and disassemble it, etc. But as long as it stays in the same memory locations, we are OK. It is also possible to do the patch in the VICE monitor and save the PRG/snapshot with the patch applied.

If possible, put some docs about changed key mapping in the game. If there are already instructions, change them. Otherwise it might be possible to put information in the high score table.

Final thing is to crop the PRG file to length if this was not done previously, and perhaps compress it with exomizer.

Then, submit the game to DTV Patched Games.


How to find keyboard access routines in games?

For keyboard access, use the watch-function and set a watch on $DC00-$DC01. This allows to run the game and see where the I/O ports of the CIA are accessed. Usually this boils down to a few places, and it is then a matter of finding out whether this is keyboard or joystick access, since the keyboard and joysticks are decoded by the same ports on the CIA. In other words it is not easy to tell if a routine is reading the joysticks or keyboard, but a guess can be done from looking at the state of the direction register of the rows of the keyboard matrix. If this is configured as output and a value with a single bit low, the rest high is on the port, there is a good chance that this is decoding a row of the keyboard.

Some games call the keyboard scanner routine in the kernel, while others implement their own (sometimes reading just a single row of the keyboard matrix, for instance the one containing space bar). Depending on how the data is later decoded and used by the game there are two different options: either implement an own keyboard scanning which returns the scan-codes that the game expects, or simply patch the places in the game code that finds out what to do with different events.

How to detect DTV button presses reliably?

Since DTV buttons use the same lines as Joystick 1, you have to take some precautions not to confuse button presses with Joy1 movement (this is especially important for multiplayer games). The following routine reads DTV buttons and masks out bits that are triggered by concurrent joystick movement (for example if Joystick 1 fire button is pressed, detection of DTV button A is disabled).

 STY $DC00
 LDA $DC01
 CMP $DC01
 STY $DC00
 ORA $DC01
 STY $DC00
 AND $DC01

Still, very rarely button presses are detected by this routine even if no DTV buttons are pressed (probably due to bouncing joystick switches). This is why for crucial actions (quit game etc.) you should use combinations of DTV buttons (button B+C or RFire+D - this corresponds to Joy1 left+right/up+down).

What about games that load from disk?

Floppy access can be detected by watch dd00 in VICE. However, for games that use kernal routines (i.e., they can be run in VICE without the “true drive emulation” option), you can also set breakpoints at kernal routines (SETNAM $FDF9 - sets filename, OPEN $F34A - opens a file, ACPTR $EE13 - reads a byte from IEC bus). You can then step until that routine returns, have a look at the stack ($0100-$01FF), or use the backtrace command present in recent VICEplus versions to find the calling code.

Replacing loaders in games is quite tricky. Many games decrunch data while loading. Since we might want to patch the data loaded (for example if keyboard routines are in there) and since decrunching takes time but is not needed with the DTV’s 2MB RAM, typically we should get the decrunched data. Basically the idea is to find the call to the loader/decruncher, save a full image of the memory (bank ram, s “file” 0 0 ffff), do the load, save memory again, do a binary compare of the two files (see below for a simple bindiff script), and save the difference. Decrunched data can be put into individual files, put into a container image that gets put into DTV upper RAM, and loaded using a patched loading routine. For many games (see examples below), putting level files into an image file that uses the standard DTV flashrom file system (generated by dtvmkfs and dtvpack -0), and using a slightly patched DTV flash load routine that loads from RAM instead of ROM (see the loader code in Armalyte patch ZIP) worked fine.

# binary diff script
cat $1 | hexdump -v -C > /tmp/bindiff.1
cat $2 | hexdump -v -C > /tmp/bindiff.2
diff -U 0 /tmp/bindiff.1 /tmp/bindiff.2
rm /tmp/bindiff.1 /tmp/bindiff.2

What C64 features are not emulated (properly) in the DTV?

See DTV Programming#C64 emulation issues (for the DTV2/3).

Keyboard/joystick breakdown

Table taken from Keyboard port and adapted

    56321/$dc01 Joy 2
    Bit 7 Bit 6
56320 / $dc00 Bit 7 STOP Q
Bit 6 / ^ =
Bit 5 , @ :
Bit 4 N O K
Bit 3 V U H
Bit 2 X T F
Bit 0 CRSR DN F5 F3
Joy 1      


Walkthrough: Fixing Armalyte

Walkthrough: Fixing Druid

Walkthrough: Fixing Mayhem in Monsterland

Notes on other games
