
This project is maintained by pelrun


DTVBOOT/DTVMON is a combination of programs intended for DTV programmers, written by Daniel Kahlin. Typically, DTVBOOT is flashed to $1F8000 and activated by the $1F8000 hook in a kernal patched by Kernalpatcher. DTVBOOT can do some simple things such as zeroing the DTV RAM, changing video out settings, activating an alternate kernal (typically the TRSI kernal), and launching DTVMON. DTVMON is a machine language monitor adapted for the DTV.

Both programs can also be launched as a RAM version and without a patched kernal (activated using the $018000 RAM reset+left fire hook present in the standard DTV kernal). The drawback of this is that some RAM areas are occupied by DTVBOOT/DTVMON and not available for DTV programming.

Programmers who want to program directly on the DTV will want to put both programs and a patched kernal in the DTV flash. End users typically do not need DTVBOOT/DTVMON at all or can use the RAM version (that can be loaded and started using DTVSlimIntro).

With VICE emulating the C64DTV, programmers might consider using the much more powerful VICE monitor for DTV programming.
