This project is maintained by pelrun
DTVSlimIntro is a replacement for the original INTRO file in the DTV’s flash. It is based on Roland’s INTRO ( thread). Additionally to listing and starting programs, DTV palette can be chosen out of four presets as well as completely customized.
Put the file into the DTV’s flash (for example using “Import PRG” in DTVFSEdit). It will display any files in Flash that use a start address different from 0. If start address is $0100/256, it will be started using BASIC RUN.
There’s no “go to BASIC” option in DTVSlimIntro. However, you can simply put a dummy entry into the flash with start address 58260 ($E394: BASIC Cold Start). Spiff ZIP containing this trick.
In the file listing, pressing the DTV buttons changes the DTV’s D04E value (A=0,…,D=3). Some FBAS=>VGA converters are known not to work properly with the DTV’s default setting (D04E=0) but with D04E=2 or 3. However, other devices have issues with these settings again.
If you want to hardcode a default value in DTVSlimIntro, use a hex editor to replace $2c at offset $7cf in the file by $8d, and put the D04E value of choice to $7ce. In the source, see the code after label mstart.
DTVSlimIntro will autostart any file named AUTOSTART unless a key is pressed or joy2 is moved/a button pressed while DTVSlimIntro starts. This makes defaulting to BASIC, a modified softkernal, or the original DTVMENU quite easy.
Not implemented yet (any takers?).