
This project is maintained by pelrun

About DTVTrans+

schematics|right|thumb DTVTrans+ is software and hardware for transferring data from a PC to the C64DTV via a cable connected between the PC’s printer port and the DTV’s joystick or user port. The software consists of a non-interactive program to be run on the DTV and a PC command line program that controls transfers. The software is fully usable and has been tested under w2k and GNU/Linux, but should work fine under NT/w2k/XP and even w98. Current transfer rates are roughly 15Kbytes/s dependent on the load on the PC. This is roughly 38x standard C1541 speed.

DTVTrans+ has been extended by 1570 using code by tlr and Spiff. It is based on DTVTrans by Daniel Kahlin/tlr.

Features of DTVTrans+

Using the type feature, it is possible to reflash the DTV with only Joyport 2 mod required (= six wires: +5V is only required for autofire joysticks).


For the cable, BAT85 Schottky-barrier diodes (hole-mount type) are recommended. If you want smaller diodes, go for BAT48 (Minimelf) or BAT54 surface-mount diodes. Other low Vf-types may work, but if you are unsure, ask someone who has experience. 1N4148’s will not work.

Some motherboards, especially those in notebooks, may have trouble communicating through this cable. USB<->Parport adapters will not work either.

Verified working:

You do not need to connect the reset/PotX line unless you want to use the “dtvtrans reset” command.

Getting started

DTVTrans consists of a program on the DTV side and one on the PC side. The DTV side just listens for requests from the PC side and has no user interface. The DTV side of DTVTrans has to be transferred and started on the DTV somehow.

No floppy connected to the DTV

You probably want to use dtvtrans sync then to flash a DTV Flash File System image containing DTVTrans.

Floppy connected to the DTV

Just copy **dtvtrans_.prg** to a disk and start it on the DTV.


usage: dtvtrans [OPTION]... ` [OPTION]... [``]`

Valid options:
-r              use raw format for files (no load address)
-l              use prg format for files (has load address)
-n              do not enable safe setup timing on the DTV
-b `       block size (default: 1024)` `-p ``       port address (default: /dev/parport0)` `-f              force pre 1.0 protocol` `-v              be verbose` `-s              simulate/dry run (sync command only)` `-d              output debugging information` `-h              displays this help text` `-V              output program version`

   Prefixing ADDRESS with an r means reading from DTV Flash ROM instead of its RAM.

Valid commands:
clear/clr/c     clear port (tristate)
read/rd/r       read mem
write/wr/w      write mem
verify/vfy      verify mem
go/g/sys        execute mem (go)
reset/rst       reset the DTV (works only if PotX line is connected to reset pin on the DTV)
sleep           sleep a number of seconds
sync            sync flash memory
type            type text using BASIC PROMPT easter egg (start on J)
boot/bt/b       send file to boot.prg/mlboot.prg
info            query server type and configuration
init            BASIC init
load            BASIC load
save            BASIC save
run             BASIC run
exit            BASIC exit

 dtvtrans clear
 dtvtrans rd 0x0400-0x0800 screen.prg
 dtvtrans rd 0x0400,1024 screen.prg
 dtvtrans rd basicprg.prg
 dtvtrans wr cool_demo.prg
 dtvtrans wr 0x020000 cool_demo.prg
 dtvtrans -r rd r0x000000-0x200000 complete_flash_image.bin
 dtvtrans g 0xfce2
 dtvtrans type boot.txt
 dtvtrans sync complete_flash_image.bin
 dtvtrans -s sync current_flash_image.bin new_flash_image.bin
 dtvtrans sync current_flash_image.bin new_flash_image.bin



The transfer software requires giveio.sys to be installed, as it needs direct parallel port access.